Harsh Meswani is a high school student, residing in Mumbai, India. He is a budding young musician, born in a business family. He is deeply passionate about the cause of promoting Indian classical music and this book is one of the initiatives towards this cause.
Harsh has two music albums to his credit, Timeless and Trail of Thought. He has also started a website Indian Concert Guide, to provide information about the various Indian music events taking place in the city.
Harsh Meswani
Harsh Meswani
03 Published Books
Harsh Meswani is a high school student, residing in Mumbai, India. He is a budding young musician, born in a business family. He is deeply passionate about the cause of promoting Indian classical music and this book is one of the initiatives towards this cause. Harsh has two music albums to his credit, Timeless and […]
Author's books
Musician and music enthusiast, Harsh Meswani documents the world of contemporary Indian classical music with interviews of over 24 diverse and talented musicians.
8.5’’ x 11’’ Portrait
260 pagesType of Book
Paper Back- Author:Harsh Meswani
₹1,800Add to cart