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How Vakils provided seamless services from print to digital and XBRL


Mahindra & Mahindra is a large Indian multinational company with business interests in automobiles, farm equipment, real estate, IT, hospitality, defense, finance, etc.

Vakils is a leading service provider for Annual Reports having served over 600 companies in over 75 years. Since 2013, Vakils has been a reliable partner to the Mahindra group for Annual Reports and Premedia services.

In 2013, Mahindra & Mahindra reached out to Vakils to typeset their Annual Report of approximately 250 pages and a subsidiary Annual Report comprising 2200 pages for around 130 subsidiary companies.


  • Quick turnaround was required
  • Remote management and coordination with multiple people in 182 companies across geographical locations was needed


This Annual Report is an example of Vakils’ excellent project management and client servicing skills.

Vakils’ workflow systems enabled increased productivity and remote coordination with all stakeholders, ensuring that the teams successfully typeset the report on challenging deadlines.

Vakils eliminated errors through a combination of digital and manual proofreading ensuring quality control of the end report.


For the client, a one-stop solution providing seamless conversion from print to digital to XBRL as well as daily status report meant that the stress involved in developing an Annual Report was considerably reduced, professionally managed and on time.

We would be happy to discuss more about this service.
Please reach out to us at

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History was the past…till it guided me to the future of leadership Tue, 07 Jun 2022 12:42:08 +0000

History was the past…till it guided me to the future of leadership

Our founding team with my grandfather, Kantilal Mehta (3rd from right)

Let’s be honest – when was the last time you, as a leader of your organization, pondered over your company’s history? Possibly when it was time for an anniversary?

I know I am candid as I say this, and may even have touched a raw nerve. And now for my moment of confession. At Vakils we are close to our 75th anniversary and this train of thought happened exactly for this reason.

Firms seldom document their histories. History is so much more than the balloons and streamers of celebration. To anyone’s argument that it is what lies ahead that is important, I say – how can you hope for the future if you cannot celebrate and learn from the past?

And so I hit the pause button and did a deep-dive into Vakils’ past. I came up with some incredible memories of generations of people who truly envisioned and shaped the organization, pioneered many firsts, and built an incredible culture, values and behaviors. And, in the process, I have reinforced a simple but vital truth – my renewed understanding of our past totally energized me for the future I am planning to shape.

Three generations in the family business. My grandfather Kantilal Mehta (right), My father Arun Mehta (center), and me (second from left).

The Vakils journey started out in 1926 – with two treadle mills and an Indian businessman named Mr. Vakil. The current Vakil & Sons was incorporated in 1946. My grandfather, Kantilal Mehta bought a controlling interest in Vakil & Sons in 1949. In 1950, he relinquished his position as Managing Director to his younger brother and my grand uncle, Mr. G U Mehta. During his tenue as Managing Director of Vakil & Sons from 1950 to 1985, he was instrumental in introducing greeting cards, and played a pivotal role in promoting Indian art and handmade paper. This has ever since remained our historical signature – of which I feel proud to be an inextricable part by association.

It had a proud purpose too – to promote Indian art. Works of great contemporary Indian painters featured on our cards and calendars. Minitature paintings from world-renowned museums (Victoria& Albert-London, National Museum-New Delhi, Bharat Kala Bhavan-Banaras, Prince of Wales Museum-Mumbai) made their way as a fine collection Indian miniatures in print. Our Frolic cards, in collaboration with Mickey Patel won us accolades.

But it was more than just promoting art. Mounted on Indian hand-made paper, it had a social purpose of furthering the budding hand-made paper industry. Later, as we forged a partnership with V-Care Foundation, we carried their message of hope for cancer patients – and used part of the sale amount of these cards to provide medical support for underprivileged cancer patients.

We quickly built a reputation as printers par excellence – with modern presses, and exceptional standards in quality. In 1981, we became the first printing house from a developing nation with whom UNICEF placed orders. Both at home and overseas, we bagged prestigious awards for printing excellence. Excellence has been our password to this day – as we successfully transitioned to the modern requirements in the technology business.

Inaugarating our brand new Heidelberg Press along – with my father, Arun Mehta

As I flipped through my mental pages of Vakils’ history, I realized the enormity of what it was doing to me. I understood how paying close attention to our past shaped our culture today – and will continue to do so in the future. Sure, the context today is different from what it was then. But as I recollected how the previous generations – and especially my dad – confronted and addressed their opportunities and challenges, it was a huge lesson in how I could handle many aspects of running my business.

Leadership, governance, best practices, people management, managing conflict and adversity, innovation, agility, change management, decision-making, foresight, execution excellence – I could find inspirational examples for every one of leadership traits.

So here is my resolution. I will carry the past in the living present and motivate my people to embrace and drive change – so that each of us can find our individual place in history.

– Bimal Mehta.
Values become culture – when you can live them as easily as you can write them Tue, 07 Jun 2022 12:40:18 +0000

Values become culture – when you can live them as easily as you can write them

Recently, I was presenting my organization’s brand strategy to a gathering of professionals. My presentation was simple and straddled four main aspects – our history to explain how our brand evolved, our value system, our brand strategy for the future and our way forward.

As I was driving back after the presentation, the thought uppermost on my mind was this – how much of our brand identity today rests on the values that cascaded from the past?
To what extent has the Vakils culture changed or remained the same?

In the sixties, Vakils as a brand was known for their greeting cards and excellent printing. But that was the product and service. What did we stand for? What were our values?

From the beginning we set out to be innovative in the printing and publishing business. We were early pioneers in the greeting card industry. We were the first to commercialize hand-made paper for greeting cards and stationery. And we were early adoptors of new printing technologies.

We swore by quality. Be it the paper, the font, the inks, the process – only the highest standards of quality was good enough. I recollect my dad making his rounds, picking books off the printing pipeline and subjecting them to grueling quality tests.

My Father Arun Mehta, President of All India Federation of Master Printers happily watching my Mom Sudha Mehta receiving the awards from the President of India, Giani Zail Singh, on behalf of Vakils.

The 175+ national awards for excellence in printing demonstrated our unflinching commitment to give only the very best in making ‘lasting impressions’.

Ethics was paramount. And believe me, ethics wasn’t a ’30,000 feet-up-in-the-air’ motherhood statement. Every one of our employees knew what they meant when they said we were ethical. It was the simple but profound quality of total honesty. In our entire history till date, we have always fulfilled our obligations to our stakeholders – customers, lenders, employees, government and suppliers.

And yes, people satisfaction was the core of our business – be they employees, customers, or suppliers. Corporate social responsibility was part of our DNA long before the jargon was coined. We led by example, both in our internal practices and external contributions.

But wait, I asked myself in the midst of my reminiscence. Why am I narrating this to myself in the past tense? That’s exactly who we are today too. These are the core values that each member of the Vakils family lives by. These are what defines us as individuals and how we work as a team.

Following the value system set by our founding fathers. My grandfather, Kantilal Mehta (second from left) and his brothers G.U.Mehta and Kishorelal Mehta, (second and first from right)

Over the last 70 years we have worked hard to keep ourselves relevant in business. We have transformed our business lines and models, we have introduced newer domains, and addressed strong competition and disruptive markets. Yet, amidst both good times and tough ones, we have always held our heads high with these strong values. I am extremely grateful to all the people in our history of seven decades and more who made it possible for us to imbibe them so naturally and effortlessly. Just as easily as we breathe.

I looked at the slide of my presentation that displayed our The Vakils Values of today.
We have a unique history and story, I told myself. And Team Vakils of today will pass it on, I am confident – just as effectively as our predecessors had to us.

– Bimal Mehta.